Drive Success

Boost Your Sales

We provide the best mobile platform service to support your business in Halifax 

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Drive Success

Boost Your Sales

We provide the best mobile platform service to support your business in Halifax 

Sign up​

Real Results, Real Growth
We're Growing EVERYDAY

Accessing a Massive Local Customer
Based in HALIFAX!

Accessing a Massive
Local Customer
Based in HALIFAX!

Easy Setup

Intuitive Interface

Strong Promotion

Easy Setup

Intuitive Interface

Strong Promotion


2-Month Free Trial

Limited Time Offer – Experience the Benefits Today!

Let's Get Started

Customize Your Plan to Suit Your Needs

Customize Your Plan
to Suit Your Needs

Standard Plan

$25/month or $245/year 

  • 1 Coupon Slots
    : Swap out coupon once a month

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Deluxe Plan

$60/month​​ or $595/year

  • 3 Coupon Slots
    : Swap out coupons as many times as you wish but only publish up to three at a time.
  • Analytics Page
    : Access to analytics on coupon performance.
  • Limit Coupon Per User
    : Set limits on how many times a user can redeem a coupon.
  • 30 Minutes a Month with a Coupon Strategist
    : Guidance on coupon strategy.
  • Auto coupon acceptance
  • 15% Off Addons
    : Discount on additional features. 

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Premium Plan

$300/month or $2,995/year

  • 8 Coupon Slots
    : Swap out coupons as many times as you wish but only publish up to eight at a time.
  • Analytics Page
    : Access to advanced analytics on coupon performance.
  • Limit Coupon Per User
    : Set limits on how many times a user can redeem a coupon.
  • Exclusive Coupons
    : Provide exclusive coupons to our paid users (coming soon)
  • 1 Hours per month with a Coupon Strategist 
    : Guidance on coupon strategy.
  • 1 Posts per Month on Social Media
    : Increased promotion on your social media channels.
  • Auto coupon acceptance
  • 25% Off Addons
    : Higher discount on additional features.

Learn More

Addons: Influencer content, video content, sponsor promotional events, flyers and promotional material, social media posts. 

Membership Plans are subject to change

Trusted by 25 local businesses in Halifax. 
Join us and become the next one!

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